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Posted by on June 29, 2015.


(Ameenur Rasheed, London, 29 June 2015)

It is noticed with grave concern that so called ‘Sunni’ discourse apparently turns out to be another divisive trend. It advocates the notion of divisiveness among the Muslim Ummah by falsely referring the quotes which the prophet did not make in order to promote a sectarian motto under the pretence of ‘sunnism’ a terminology created from a sectarian mindset.

Islaam is unique with its own definition. It encourages love and mercy between felow Muslims and negates any thought and idea of sectarianism. This sectarianism is also condoned by the establishment in order to get and keep the ummah divided and to get the attention away from its conspiracy.

People pertinent to this kind of discourse tends to not highlight the injustice, grabbing and exploitation of Muslim lands, abuse and torture, killings of hundreds of thousands of innocent people with most sophisticated weaponry, armamentation of conflicting groups for the multi billion worth proceeds from the weapons trade on the part of establishment.

This very same people tend to highlight the horrors of their fellow Muslim groups as opposed to that of the establishment. They seem to be playing at the hands of the establishment.

They were sleeping when a biased eloctoral judge Richard Mawrey sacked decapacitated Lutfur, Britains first Muslim mayor of Tower Hamlets for referring voters to Islaam in electoral campaign.

I offer my sincere approach to ask those brothers to abstain from running this kind of divising discourse, instead to run a loving, concilliatory and unifying one for the purpose of upholding the spirit and beauty of brotherhood of Ummah as enshired in Quran, the glorious book of Allah, the universal mannual for the entire mankind

Your brother,
Ameenur Rasheed,
43 Pretoria Road,
London E11 4BB,
m: +447939847723,
e: ameenur1@yahoo.co.uk (primary personal), ameenur5@gmail.com (alternative personal)

www.facebook.com/ameenur or www.facebook.com/AmmenurRasheedPress,
skype: ameenurrasheed,


Director, Media & Public Relations,
Islamic Welfare Systems [IWS],
e: IalamicWelfareSystems@yahoo.com,

Managing Editor,
Published from London
