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Ameenur Rasheed, London: www.facebook.com/AmeenuRasheedPress Brihottor Sylhet Education Trust, also known as BSE Trust/ BSET, has organised a fundraising show followed by an Iftar gathering recently on 2 July in White…
GET TOGETHER, DISCUSSIONS & IFTAR 2015 You are cordially invited by NRB Eye and NRB News and BangladeshMatters.com to the invitee only ”GET-TOGETHER & INTENSIVE DISCUSSIONS ON HOW TO TACKLE…
এইমাত্র গোলাপগঞ্জ হেল্পিং হ্যান্ডসের উদোগে পূর্ব লন্ডনের ওয়াটার লিলি হলে এক গণ ইফতার চলছে।…
https://facebook.com/ameenurrasheedpress/photos/a.257013007773045.1073741828.235319063275773/585828864891456/?type=1&source=48 (Ameenur Rasheed, London, 29 June 2015) It is noticed with grave concern that so called ‘Sunni’ discourse apparently turns out to be another divisive trend. It advocates the notion…
একটি ব্যাতিক্রম বাংলা নাটিকা সত্যি সুস্থ চিত্ত বিনোদন, সংস্কৃতি চর্চা ও রুচিশীল সমাজ বিনির্মাণের মাধ্যম হতে পারে। সংশ্লিষ্ট ভিডিও ট্রেইলার তার প্রকৃস্ট উদাহরণ। আমাদের সমাজের সামর্থ্যবানরা এ ধরণের সুস্থ বিনোদন…
(Ameenur Rasheed, London, www.facebook.com/AmeenurRasheedPress) The 74 pages long official report on Pakistani Muslim Community in England originaly published by the UK Government in March 2009. The report would give us…
PREVENT: tackling extremism or criminalising dissent? Location: Amnesty International’s Human Rights Action Centre, 17-25 New Inn Yard, London EC2A 3EA, Map: http://goo.gl/maps/0RH1k Date: 25 June 2015 7:00pm – 9:00pm “Speaking…
http://www.aljazeera.com/video/asia/2012/08/201285113421146649.html Ruthlessness and inhunanity showed by Awami League supremo Hasina once and for all. Hasina, the supremo of the most violent political entity Awami League who has grabbed the power…
Britain’s biggest trade union Unite has officially dedeclared to take all out fight for the deposed Mayor Lutfur. Judge Mawrey’s decision was factually inaccurate, lacking evidence base, Islamophobic and racist…
A large crowd in London has gather together in London borough of Tower Hamlets this evening in a grievance against election judge Mr Mawrey’s verdict removing a highly popular mayor…